The top two M9 slides are US government production slides. By looking at the right side alone it is difficult to determine. The real identifying marks are on the left. Notice the top three slides have a “PM” laser etched in front of the part number. All government slides must have this to indicate the pistol slide has been submitted to a proof cartridge and passed a magnetic particle inspection. Prior to the release of the J92M9AOM, there was a special run of M9 commemorative pistols which came with a Bianchi holster, magazine pouch and web belt (third slide). This early commercial version had a “PM” mark but the later production never did. The fourth slide was from the early limited release and the bottom is the standard production commercial M9 (J92M9AOM) pistol
The magazines shipped with the M9 Special Edition pistol are commercial Beretta magazines. The US government magazines will be marked “ASSY9346413-6590” on the right side. Both commercial and military pistols with Beretta magazines will be marked either “PB CAL 9 PARA MADE IN ITALY" or "PB CAL 9 PARA MADE IN U.S.A.”
Beretta has made sure that they, the government and law enforcement can tell the difference between actual government guns and the commercial pistols they sell. There are no absolutes in this world. One could acquire US government barrels, hammers, slides and locking blocks and place them on an M9 special edition frame. As long as the serial number on the frame has not been altered, the M9 prefix and seven numerical number will show if the frame started life as a government pistol or a commercial M9 Special Edition pistol.