In the early 1990's, Colt introduced their Sporter Target rifle chambered in 7.62x39mm. They introduced this as a potential hunting rifle for medium sized game. They had modified 20 round magazines that only fed 5 or 6 rounds reliably. Some aftermarket companies introduced 30 round mags, but they suffered from reliability issues. Colt would later take this rifle off the market due to reliability issues. The first company to successfully combat this feeding issue only produced 6 rifles for Special Operations proof of concept. Knight's Armament developed the SR47 in 2001 at the request of Special Operations. It was an M4-type rifle that used an AK magazine. Unfortunately, they never went into production. This would be on the mind of Mack in designing the Hydra.
The Soviet and Chinese Bakelite magazines have steel locking tabs, so they work perfect. The polymer tabs often can be too thick, but with a file, they can be taken down just enough so they will engage the magazine release. The steel angled bolt can also wear the polymer tab prematurely. Stick with military grade steel and Bakelite magazines you will never go wrong. However, the Magpul MOE/ Gen 3, US Palm and Bulgarian magazines work perfectly. The bolt carrier group for the 7.62x39mm has been modified as well by Windham Weaponry. The bolt carrier is stamped 7.62 on the left side. The bottom of the carrier has had some extra relief cuts on the bottom to accept the slightly higher AK magazine. However, if one should decide to use the AR15 magazine well adapter and use AR-pattern 7.62x39mm magazines, these relief cuts will not affect reliability. The bolt is modified for the 7.62x39mm cartridge case and is identified by 3 rings just behind the locking lugs by Windham Weaponry to differentiate quickly between the 5.56mm bolt. The firing pin is slightly heavier to be able to reliably fire the harder military primers of the Russian and foreign military ammunition.
At SHOT Show 2016, Windham Weaponry introduced their MCS or Modular Carbine System. They offered four different configurations: 5.56mm (.223 Rem), 300 Blackout, 7.62x39mm and 9x19mm calibers. In 2018 they offered the 450 Bushmaster. They also offered three packages. The first is the RMCS2 which is the MCS rifle with the AR15 magazine well and two barrels; one chambered in 5.56x45mm and the other in 300 Blackout. Each kit comes with a Plano Gun Guard case. The next is the RMCS3 which is MCS rifle with the AR15 magazine well adapter and the AK magazine well adapter. There are three barrels chambered in 5.56x45mm, 300 Blackout and 7.62x39mm. The RMCS4 which is an MCS rifle with the AR15 magazine well adapter, AK magazine well adapter and 9mm magazine well adapter. There are four barrels chambered in 5.56x45mm, 300 Blackout, 7.62x39mm and 9x19mm.
The kit was provided with a Windham Weaponry 30 round 5.56mm/300 Blackout magazine, a 30 round Magpul MOE AK polymer magazine and an ASC 20 round 9mm magazine. With the kit was also has a sling and a SafeTech SAFE-T-ROUND chamber plug, which comes in the chamber of the MCS rifle. There are three supplied modular magazine wells provided, which are the standard AR15, AK magazine 7.62x39mm and 9x19mm. The fit and finish of all the components was top rate. I also added the ARMS #40L rear sight to the receiver and the three barrels (5.56x45mm, 7.62x39mm barrel and 300 Blackout) had the ARMS #40-LF front sight bases added to the gas blocks.
The Windham Weaponry MCS RMCS4 test and evaluation kit was provided with four barrels. The barrels chambered in 5.56x45mm, 300 Blackout and 7.62x39mm barrels are standard manganese phosphate and chrome plated barrels. Later in May of 2018, I was provided the 450 Bushmaster kit for testing. All barrels have the barrel extension and A2-compensators. The front sight base has a bayonet lug and sling swivel. The top of the gas tube has a Mil-Std-1913 rail, which is aligned with the rail on the upper receiver/handguard. The front sight base is drilled and pinned in place (which I prefer). They also all have carbine length gas tubes installed. The 5.56x45mm barrel has 1/9-inch twist, the 300 Blackout has a 1/7 and the 7.62x39mm has a 1/9.5-inch twist. The 450 Bushmaster has a 1/24-inch twist and a compensator. The 9x19mm is Melonite coated with a 1/10-inch twist and birdcage flash suppressor. There is no gas bock on the 9mm barrel.
The second barrel tested was the 300 Blackout. The standard AR modular magazine well was used. Ammunition was Black Hills 300 Whisper 125gr OTM (200 rounds), Barnes 110gr TAC-TX (100 rounds) and Hornady 110gr VMAX (100). The magazine tested were the Windham Weaponry aluminum, PMag Gen 3, Lancer AWM, Ultimag and Amend 2. No malfunctions of any sort. Also, Remington 220 grain OTM (20 rounds) was tested. Numerous short strokes were experienced but this is to be expected when a sound suppressor is not being used. The best group was with the Black Hills 125gr OTM with 1.35 inches at 100 yards.
The third barrel tested was the 5.56x45mm. The standard AR modular magazine well was used. Ammunition tested was Black Hills .223 Rem 55gr FMJ (100 rounds), Black Hills 5.56x45mm 69gr OTM (20 rounds), ZQI 5.56mm 62gr full metal jacket (100 rounds) and HSM 5.56mm 62gr full metal jacket (100 rounds). The magazines tested were the Windham Weaponry aluminum, PMag Gen 3, Lancer AWM, Ultimag and Amend 2. No malfunctions of any sort. The best group was obtained with the Black Hills Match 69gr with a just over 1.25-inch group at 100 yards.
The fourth tested was the 9x19mm barrel. The modular 9mm magazine well was used. The ammunition was Black Hills 9mm Luger 115gr full metal jacket (200 rounds) and Federal American Eagle 9mm 147gr full metal jacket flat point (100 rounds). The magazines used were the 20 round ASC magazine that came with the kit, as well as, two of the Metalform 32 round Colt magazines. There were no malfunctions of any sort. This set up was fired at 25 yards. The best group was with the Black Hills 115gr full metal jacket at 1 and 1/2 inches. It was hard to pick the best group between the Black Hills and Federal ammo since they were nearly identical. For someone who chooses to fire a significant amount of 9mm through the MCS, it would be advisable to put a 9mm SMG buffer and to change out the hammer pin with a stainless steel one. These are two improvements that would benefit you for long term use of this caliber. For occasional use, the standard buffer will work just fine. MGI also offers a Heavy Rate and Recoil Reducing Buffer, which also works well to alleviate the stress on the rifle from the 9mm operating dynamics.
Lastly, the 450 Bushmaster was tested. This required a separate magazine, bolt and barrel. The ammunition tested was the Hornady Custom 250fr SST/FTX and Hornady Black 250gr FTX ammunition. There were a total of 100 rounds fired without any malfunctions. The recoils were considerably more than the 5.56mm or the 7.62x39mm, but still manageable. This cartridge was shot at 50 yards. It was grouped just over 1 ½ inches, which is good for a rifle of this purpose. It is an ideal hog or large game round. Ballistically, it is designed to be used under 200 yards. This heavy bullet drops like a brick. I, myself, would not go over 100 yards without knowing exact distance and calculating drop.
The Windham Weaponry MCS is truly in a class of its own. With this industry growing as rapidly as it is, the licensing agreements between MGI and Windham Weaponry will surely increase the demand and popularity of this weapon system and be able to meet the demand with production efforts. Many companies have gone the interchangeable barrel route over these intervening years, but nobody uses standard barrels. They use proprietary systems. Also, nobody has come up with the modularity of interchangeable magazine wells. There is a lot to be said about using factory standard components. For the manufactures of these weapons, it makes production much simpler. For the customer, it means this weapon system will be supported if for some horrible reason MGI and Windham Weaponry were to shut down. Looking at the MCS, really the only proprietary components are the barrel locking mechanism, and the lower receiver/magazine wells themselves. All the components that go into the magazine well assemblies (minus the 7.62x39mm) are all industry standard; the fire control group and recoil system and stock assemblies are factory standard. The charging handle and bolt carrier groups are factory standard (minus 7.62x39mm carrier and firing pin). The barrel assemblies are completely standard. As more calibers come out the MCS will be able to adapt. This is a true one rifle that can do it all.
Now is this a military grade weapon? That has yet to be seen. For a gun enthusiast and shooter, it is certainly adequate for that. And according to Windham Weaponry, the components wear on this rifle at the same rate as a standard M4. MGI still continues to sell their Hydra and design and manufacturing new upgrades and barrel kits. Only time will tell how successful this will be, but it is certainly moving in the right direction for this rifle to live up to its full potential.